Summer Fun Time: 9 Activities by Vacation Pet Sitting Services in Lakewood, Co, that Your Pet Can Enjoy

Summer Fun Time: 9 Activities by Vacation Pet Sitting Services in Lakewood, Co, that Your Pet Can Enjoy

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Welcome to the ultimate summer guide for pet owners looking to make the season unforgettable for their furry friends! As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, it's the perfect time for both humans and pets to indulge in joy and adventure.

Vacation pet sitting services in Lakewood, CO, recommend trying summer activities that promise to keep your pet happy, healthy, and entertained. From splashing in the water to savoring juicy tropical fruits, this season is ripe with opportunities for fun. So, let's take a look at these enjoyable activities that will surely strengthen the bond with your beloved pet and ensure they experience the best summer ever.

9 Summer Activities by Vacation Pet Sitting Services in Lakewood, Co

1.     Beach Day

As we talk about the summer, the first thing that comes to our mind is warm beaches. Just like humans who love enjoying beaches in the summer, these pets also like beaches. Vacation pet sitting services recommend taking your dog to the beach for a fun day out.

Let them enjoy the time by running on the sand and playing fetch in the water game, as dogs love the freedom and excitement of the beach. Make sure to bring fresh water for your dog to drink and find a shady spot where they can rest and cool down. Keeping them hydrated and providing shade will help prevent overheating.

2.     Hiking Adventures

If you and your furry pal don’t like going to the beach, then hiking is another good summer activity. Find hiking trails in your area and take your dog for an adventurous day. Let them enjoy the new scents and scenes of nature. This activity can help them stimulate their mental and physical well-being.

However, before going on the trail, Vacation Pet Sitting Services in Lakewood CO, suggest considering a few factors first, such as whether the trail is safe enough for your pet and if your pet can walk through such terrains. Again, keep plenty of water for you and your pet so that you and your pet stay hydrated over the day. Hiking can be a great choice if you want to create a stronger bond with your dog while enjoying nature.

3.     Picnics in the Park

If you don't want to go too far and want to enjoy a short trip with your furry friend, you can pack up and head towards a local park with your loving pet. While packing, keep different treats and toys for your dog so that your dog may enjoy them. Find a nice spot to relax, eat, and play. The open space allows your dog to explore and enjoy the outdoors. A park picnic can be a peaceful and fun way to spend time with your furry friend.

4.     Dog-Friendly Festivals

Another great suggestion by vacation pet sitting services in Lakewood, CO, is local dog festivals. This activity is perfect for your dog as they provide an opportunity for your dog to socialize and meet other dogs. Festivals often have activities, treats, and games specifically for dogs that make their overall experience more fun outing for both of you.


5.     Outdoor Agility Course

Agility training is used to increase mental intelligence and physical strength or stamina in pets. This training involves running through tunnels, jumping over hurdles, and weaving through poles. This activity helps improve their coordination, obedience, and confidence. Plus, it’s a fun and engaging way for you both to stay active.

6.     Swimming

Swimming is the best exercise your pet can do to increase its stamina while enjoying the water. Dogs such as golden retrievers, Labradors, and German shepherds are known to be the best swimmers among the dog breeds. Take your dog to calm lakes, where dogs are allowed to let them enjoy water. This low-impact exercise is easy on your dog’s joints while providing a full-body workout. It’s a great way for dogs to stay active and have fun, especially during hot summer days.

7.     Interactive Playdates

Organize playdates with other dogs in your neighborhood. Vacation pet sitting services in Lakewood, CO, suggests setting up a safe, enclosed area where your dog can interact and play with other dogs. This activity provides socialization opportunities, helps burn off energy, and can improve your dog's behavior and communication skills. Supervised playdates ensure your dog stays safe while having fun with their canine friends

8.     Frozen Treat Trips

Nothing is more fun than having a chilled ice cream in the hot summer weather. Just like humans, dogs also like to enjoy cold treats in the summer. You can take your dog for frozen treats like yogurt, peanut butter, fruits, and other cooling snacks. These treats are perfect for hot weather and summer days. Not only are they yummy, but they also provide your dog with several essential nutritious factors. Trust the professionals, your dog will love the tasty and refreshing treat.

9.     Road Trip

Dogs love to explore new scents, scenes, and sounds. You can plan a friendly road trip with your dog. This can be a great adventure and bonding experience. Make sure to plan for regular breaks so your dog can stretch, hydrate, and relieve themselves. Bring all necessary travel gear for your dog, including a leash, food, water, bowls, and comfortable seating for them to rest during the drive.

End Note

Summers are perfect for planning adventures and trips. If you want to spend quality time with your loving pet this summer, then follow these activities by vacation pet sitting services in Lakewood, CO. These trips allow your pet to enjoy and have fun while stimulating their physical and mental well-being. As a pet owner, one must plan these trips to create a closer bond with your pet. But remember, before planning any trips, you must first prioritize your dog's preferences and safety. And if your furry pal isn’t much of a summer lover, hire vacation pet sitters to take care of them while you enjoy the summer!

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